15 June 2014

Happy Father's Day

There's a reason Daddies are chosen to be daddies of girls.

I think they're the sweetest Dads. It takes a special guy to put up with all the tears and whining and emotions galore, clothes shopping, changing hairdos, pink, sparkle, glitter, money-spending, hormone fluctuations, talking talking talking. And to receive all the sweet little girl hugs and kisses, fluttering flirty eyelashes, giggles and tickles and tears.

My Daddy was the best. He was gentle and quiet, didn't like to spank even when we really really needed one. He was so soft-spoken. He was slow to laugh and very slow to anger. He was slow period. Just what girls need.

He was my rock. He wasn't wishy washy. But we could talk him into stuff. When mom was out of town. He was always there, always calm, always sweet. He put up with so much but didn't flinch. Rarely saw his temper. I wonder how many checks I bounced when in college. And how many times I moved and he had to move me. And how many courses I dropped after he'd paid tuition. I don't know how he ever paid the Foley's bill balance down to zero.

These days he's not quite himself. Still quiet and still slow. Still loving when he remembers who I am. Still adores mom, maybe even more now because she's his rock. She's his connection to life, to reality, to memories, to home.

Thankfully Alzheimer's hasn't changed his personality. For that I'm so grateful.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy. You won't remember that I called, but I will anyway. You might not be able to talk on the phone, but we'll try.

I still look up to my Daddy. Girls should always be able to and he's never given me any reason not to. I realize not all girls get a Daddy like mine. I'm so very thankful for every year and every day I have him.

12 March 2014

Keeping Perspective

I'm so tired. So tired. My aching head and overwhelming emotions.

But here's a refreshing memory encased in a photo.

My smiling mama walking in the door of a surprise baby shower! For me! And there's my confused sissy right behind her trying to figure out what is going on.

I love you, Mom.

Thanks for all you've done for me and given me, for all you've put up with. Thanks for all you've taught me and shown me by example.

Don't give up! You're so strong and such a fighter!
I'm right there with you.

18 February 2014

Folk Inspired Baby Shoes

We had a darling addition to our family last October, six weeks early in fact!
She's beautiful and healthy and not a little chubby.
We're so thankful.

To celebrate her arrival and to give her a little something special so she can say "My grandma made this by hand when I was born" about something, here are some sweet little baby shoes.

I used this very expensive (bought on sale of course. who pays full price for patterns?) Simplicity "vintage" pattern. I cut them out and then dreaded them for several weeks turned into months, letting them sit around, collect dust, and age gracefully. Like cheese or wine.
Finally I pulled them out and embroidered them in one sitting, sewed them up with the machine the following day, and tied them on little B the next time I saw her.
They were so easy and fast and fun to make!

Even with my very imperfect embroidery, they are charming. 
Can't wait to make more. Maybe the boy version for grandchild #4 due in May?

Look at the fine ahem embroidery work. And yet it's charming in its imperfection, I think.

Finished! And here they are in action!
Plenty of growing room.
But you know how fast those babes grow.

Sweet, sweet, sweet!

29 January 2014

Long Time No Blog

Hello Blog,

My crazy life. Sometimes I remember I have a blog.
Here I am. Hope you faithful readers are well. You know who you are. All 5 of you.
I think I shall post something new and wonderful and very crafty and creative very very soon.
Until then...

Look at these darling shoes someone handed down to Eva Jane.

So cute I can't stand it.