So this is it. This is blogging. Hmmm. Not that exciting, I guess. If I could type fingers drumming on a table, that's what I'd type here. I suppose I should have something catchy to write about to be blogworthy. But I didn't really give it a lot of thought. Mostly I care about how it looks. But will have to figure all of that out....but til then...
Let's think about Pearl Fryar, I think is his name, topiary artist. I'm watching this show on HGTV about him, a self-taught fellow.. Amazing and inspiring. He has 3 acres he's gardened. Lovely. I think somewhere in South Carolina. Some special talent he has. Being a landscape architect, it has inherent appeal for me for sure.
Oh, it's Bishopville. Small town.I want to go there and see it. Seems like a God-fearing gentleman with a God-given talent. Awesome.
I wonder if I post this if I can edit it or delete it later? And I wonder, if I post it-well, when I post it-who will see it? Do people just look for random blogs? Wonder why.
I was reading some blogs today, mostly junk/antique/design/decorating type sites. But who really has time to read all of these? Is it people at work with boring jobs? Or, well, I don't know. Nice thing to do if you're sick or something. Or when the little ones are finally in bed. Yep, I would have done that if blogging had been around when mine were younger. Well, anyway.
I'm on a quest for a design occupation. Hah. Sounds funny saying it out loud. Well, or writing it for public view. Love old stuff. Love the junk. Love manipulating it/them into something even better. I do love landscape design, but want to do something else these days. Love collecting, as so many others do. But cannot keep all of these treasures. I would love to pass on to others. For the right price of course. Haven't found the best venue for this. Maybe online....just gonna keep thinking....