28 September 2012

Moving In Soon, You Ask?

This remodel has taken at least 3 times as long as it was supposed to. So far.
It ain't over.
(Fat Lady ain't singin'.)

There have been so many bumps and mishaps and mistakes and misunderstandings.
Maybe they'll be finished this week?

Monday morning I went over to check on Progress and was met at the door with a disgusting revolting nasty stanky smell. Inside the house. The unmistakable stink of a Pole Cat. Yes, I'm talking about A Skunk.

I cried. I threw a hissie. I mean, it was September 17. We began this thing the middle of July. It was going to take 3 weeks. Then 6 weeks. Then 8 weeks. I had been staying with relatives through a hospitalization and rehab. I was dog tired. And emotional.

And the electricity was inexplicably turned off in the rent house when I woke up that morning. Mixup with the Landlord and the mailman and...the electric company apparently. Really? And the bathroom tile was all wrong. And the turquoise paint was too bright. And the kitchen tile is all crooked. And the painters didn't take off the old drapery hardware or light switch plates nor hooks off the bathroom doors. I could make a long list here. I don't think they know about a handy product called sandpaper. And my stuff has been in boxes since November. And the house smelled like Old House so I thought having it all painted would make it smell so Nice and Fresh. Like New Paint.

And I was dog tired.

I drove to the Home Depot parking lot and drank my coffee. (No skunk smells and don't need electricity.)

Hubs called a Friendly Wildlife Remover Man to come on out and set a Friendly Trap and remove the critter to a friendlier neighborhood.

We waited.

Saturday morning Friendly Wildlife Remover Man (FWRM) found a Huge Possum in the cage. He removed him. To his own neighborhood in fact.

Sunday afternoon we drove in from out of town and saw the cage still inside the garbage bag with the trap door shut! (Skunks won't spray on themselves. Inside the garbage bag. = Smart Skunks.)

Monday morning FWRM called and said we have a very angry growling one of these:

Then FWRM showed Hubs some black fur on the ground. Looks like Friendly Mr. Fox ate Smelly Mr. Skunk.

Now Friendly Mr. Fox has moved to a new neighborhood. Yes, the neighborhood of Friendly Wildlife Remover Man. I mean, FWRM.

And my house still STINKS.

Who can tell me how to get the UNfriendly smell out of my house?
Technical Difficulties...
(My iPhoto is not my friend)
Here is a Sneak Peak anyway!
My new kitchen counter!
With my lovely new marble tile.
Not grouted yet.
And the supports above for the floating shelves.

19 September 2012

Kitchen Progress

The day we closed on the house.

The house a few weeks later. Not much different. But note the cute little shutters in the window.

The upper cabinets removed, the formica and sink removed. I had hoped we could keep that 70 year old wood, even though it doesn't match the v-groove paneling. But nyet. It, too, will be ripped out.

The new v-groove paneling, the painted lower cabinets, the wiring for the 3 red sconces, and the supports for the floating shelves.